Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Using The Law Of Attraction to “Feel Better”?

Had a really interesting conversation with a young lady who was going through a situation and I told her “…everything was gonna be alright.”
She got upset with me.
I asked her why was she upset and she said, “because of your response…”
So, I asked her, “How were you expecting me to respond?” and she says, “Well when I tell most people what I just told you, they would say “I’m so sorry to hear that”, or something similar ”
So I asked her, “Does it make you feel better when people say that?
She says, “Well it makes me feel that people care.”
So because I don’t feel “bad” about her situation, she assumes I don’t care???
I think we are programmed for misery and anytime something shows up differently, it doesn’t feel right.
And the real question to answer here is, “Should me feeling bad make you feel better about your situation??” I would hope not
When has someone feeling bad about something ever made, you feel good? I would assume never…unless your intention is to make them feel bad, and that’s the case, that’s another story.
The one thing you can always control in your life is the ability to change the way you feel about a situation. Though you may feel you can’t change the situation, you can choose to feel bad, or you can choose to feel good. And 9 times out of 10, feeling good will ‘change’ the situation.
Practical Application
Keep your vibrations up….no matter what. Don’t feel bad if someone else feels bad because it’s not going to make them feel better. The positive energy from YOU keeping your vibrations up will help them 100 times more than “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that…” or “I feel so bad for you..bla, bla, bla”
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Monday, October 18, 2010

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne - Creator of The Secret and The Power

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Do not worry at all about negative thoughts, and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good thoughts each day. Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more and more good thoughts, and eventually the good thoughts will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether.

May the joy be with you.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Law of Attraction Quotes

www.wealthvibes.com PLEASE CLICK THE LINK to see a free law of attraction course. While there visit Wealth vibes attracting abundance at the free universal secret law of attraction website, Wealth Vibes. At Wealthvibes you’ll find links to many law of attraction ebooks, books, courses and products, as well as free tools, tips and videos to make it a reality in your own life. You can also join the free group where others will send you positive spiritual energy to help manifest your dreams. This powerful positive motivation creative visualization video features quotes, quotations and sayings from a variety of law of attraction or loa experts, like those found in the Secret movie. This inspirational affirmations is like a meditation, ideal for those interested in Rhonda Byrne’s the Secret movie, the works of Esther Hicks and Abraham, Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Bob Doyle, Loral Langemeier, and all those associated with applying the law of attraction and using it to attain the secret of success, such as found in the Master Key System, Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh and the Science of Getting Rich. Also those who believe in PMA, or a positive mental attitude or positive thinking For those who wonder if the law of attraction is real and based on science, and quantum physics or merely a scam, download the Secret movie and discover the mystery for yourself or read many of the law of attraction success stories found in books, audios, mp3s and cds or on various
the secret book

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The Real Secret behind The Secret

What is missing to make the secret really work? Is it just wishful thinking, or is the law of attraction just missing an ingredient for success?
the secret book

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The Secret, hidden Parts … you must see!

www.sgr-experience.com Everything and everybody is energy … Most people only believe what they see and what they can grasp. Believe in the unseen and become aware of your own abilities – we live in an ocean of motion! Rhonda Byrne, The Secret, Law of Attraction, Oprah, esther hicks, abraham, jack canfield, michael beckwith, bob proctor
the secret book

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Monday, October 11, 2010

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne Creator of The Secret and The Power

We can never bring anything to us unless we are grateful for what we have. In fact, if somebody was completely and utterly grateful for everything, they would never have to ask for anything, because it would be given to them before they even asked.
That is the power of Gratitude.

May the joy be with you.,

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Law Of Attraction And The Empty Basket

I just left the grocery store and got more than what I bargained for…another Law of Attraction life lesson.
Here is another great example of why it’s so important to be clear on what you want:
So here I am, doing some ‘quick’ grocery shopping, but I ended up getting way too many things…as usual. (My mother always said, “never go grocery shopping when you’re hungry…’cause you end up buying too much stuff.” So, what to I do??? the opposite…of course :-)
So, as I’m gathering the items that I wanted, I found myself having to balance things in one arm, hold things under my other arm…to the point where I was about to drop everything on the floor…And since one of the items was a glass container, I didn’t want to drop it and I figured I needed a basket. Duh.
But… I was all the way in the back of the store and I didn’t want to walk “all the way” back up to the front to get a basket. So, I put out the intention (and even said aloud) “There will be an empty basket around the corner…”
And guess what happened??? I found an empty basket around the corner…
Whoo Hoo! Good for me, right?  Well, not quite. This is what I found: It wasn’t a shopping basket.
It was the basket that was used for free samples…and it happened to be empty.
So, I got exactly what I asked for…but not exactly what I wanted.
Practical Application
Be clear on what you ask for…or you just might get it.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010



The Secret Team is very excited to announce the release of The Power Audiobook. Narrated by the author, hearing and experiencing Rhonda Byrne's words as she wrote them in The Power is nothing short of life changing.

The Power Audiobook is filled with timeless knowledge and advice on how to live a life of absolute joy, and have everything you ever wanted. Featuring a moving and inspirational music score, The Power Audiobook is a truly cinematic soundtrack experience. 

Published by Simon & Schuster Audio, The Power Audiobook is available for download at The Secret Store via audible.com, and at iTunes. The CD version is available from The Secret Store and throughout bookstores in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia.

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The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions

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Let Your Inner Child Guide You to Passion

How long does it take you to shift from your adult, serious, side to your playful, inner child mode?More and more I’m discovering that one of the most powerful tools for personal growth and success is my ability to embrace and engage my playful, inner child space quickly and consistently.


I don’t know about you, but I can be awfully serious a lot of the time. And even when I consciously give myself permission to let go of that seriousness, it can take a bit of coaxing to relax down into the playful, spontaneous, childlike space that is so natural and yet can be so difficult to hold.

But it’s that space, that vibration of spontaneous creativity that allows us to tap into the infinite possibilities of the Universe. It is that energy of playfulness and joy that fuels the inspired actions that allow us to attract our deepest desires.

But most of us are almost completely disconnected from that creative energy.

And, while I’m a pretty fun guy (no not a mushroom!) and love to play, this weekend I got to experience just? how long it takes me to REALLY drop down fully into that playful, creative, childlike vibration.

My daughter and I went camping this weekend with a few other families from her kindergarten class. We spent the weekend playing in the dunes north of Bodega Bay and I can trace the “downshifts” that moved me out of my serious, adult mind and into the playful, spontaneous, childlike vibration.

When we first arrived I was, of course, all business: Where are we camping? Where’s the best tent site? Set up the tent. Unpack the car… etc. It’s pretty amazing how my Virgo nature comes out, big time, when I first roll into a campground!

Fortunately, some other families were heading down to the beach just as we arrived and Ella tagged along with them while I got our campsite set up.
My first downshift came when I walked to the beach after setting up our site. All the way down to the beach I was in “Go” mode, walking fast and feeling like I was “supposed” to get down there to play with Ella. But the moment I walked across the boardwalk bridge and stood at the top of the dune looking down on the ocean and the beach and felt the wind coming off the water, I felt the first downshift.It’s quite difficult to stay in “go” mode when you’re at the beach. There is something hypnotic and mesmerizing about the ocean, and only the most die-hard do-ers can resist the ocean’s invitation to drop into a more relaxed vibration.

And the best part is that this invitation is available all the time: You don’t have to actually be at the ocean to access it.

Take a moment, right now, to imagine the sound of the waves, the smell of the salty air, the feel of the moisture on your face as the ocean wind swirls it around you. Take a deep breath and let yourself accept the invitation to downshift your vibration and come into resonance with the energy of the ocean.

Imagination is such a powerful tool for manifesting the life of your dreams. And you can improve your imagination just by using it! Take time to imagine that you are at the ocean, or the mountains, or the forest or wherever you feel most energized and connected!

My next downshift came after dinner. The kids were playing a game where the beautiful, exposed roots of an old pine tree growing out of the dunes was the “jail” and the roots of a smaller tree across the dunes was the “base” where you could “escape” to.

At first, just the children were playing while the adults sat, in the “jail” and talked about adult things. But, one by one, the fathers started joining in. You could see them get a little twinkle in their eyes… thinking about it, catching some of that contagious, playful, childlike energy. And then, suddenly, as they let go of their concerns about what they might look like or whether it was “ok” to play with the kids, they would burst out of the “jail” with a shout of joy as a pack of kids started chasing them around the dunes.

beach-fun-1Soon almost all of the “dada’s” were running around the dunes, acting like children, letting our playful, inner beings come out. And, quite honestly, I think the dads were having more fun than the kids! It happens that way. Kids play all the time. It’s their natural state. Dads… not so much! So when we do get out of our serious, responsible, mode the fun that’s been stuck inside starts coming out… big time!

Now, in addition to being a second downshift for me, when I jumped in and started running around the sand like a crazy, escapee, that game in the dunes really shifted the energy for our entire group. You could feel the group energy relax into playfulness. It was like a big sigh of relief as we let go of our collective responsibilities and allowed? ourselves to drop into the playful spontaneity of the present moment.

And that, of course, that led us all back over to the campfire for S’mores. And, it’s pretty hard to be serious while you’re making s’mores! Well, unless you get into a serious discussion of the BEST way to make them… You know, do you let the marshmallow catch on fire and then blow it out, or do you hold it just above the burn zone so that it? gets lightly browned? Do you melt the chocolate or let the toasted marshmallow do the melting? And this time we had a new twist added to the mix: Someone brought a jar of Nutella which… while not traditional, certainly did make a very good s’more when spread on the graham cracker in place of the chocolate bar!

The final downshift came after s’mores when we broke out our instruments and started playing music around the campfire. It brought me back to my days at summer camp on Cape Cod. There is something so universally appealing about playing music around a campfire. The crackling fire, the sparks, or “fire fairies” as Ella calls them, the soft glowing light on the faces, and the music filling the camp, rising up to the sky like an offering of joy and love.

And, as with the ocean, this energy is available to you all the time. You don’t have to wait until you’re at a campfire. Take a deep breath in and imagine the fire. Imagine the flames dancing and crackling. See the “fire fairies” as they rise up and dance in the smoke. Smell the smoke. And yes, even feel the smoke burning your eyes a little. And connect with the energy of the fire. That fire energy lives inside of you.

Connect with it. Feel it. Embrace it. Let it come out to play. Let it fuel your actions. That fire is the inspiration that empowers your actions. When you take actions that are fueled by your fire you accelerate the manifestation process.

Action without inspiration is like a lighter without fluid: You might get a few sparks, but no matter how often or how vigorously you click that button, you’re not going to get a flame.


There is so much power in connecting with our childlike nature (not childish, childlike!). Yet we often allow our thoughts of how we “should” to act and who we are “supposed to” be get in the way and hold us back from connecting with that vibration.

Taking time, each day to consciously, actively, let that “inner child” come out to play can provide tremendous fuel and inspiration as you manifest your deepest desires!


This week, let your inner child come out to play. Do something that is absolutely NOT on the agenda of your adult, serious, responsible self. Indulge the playful, spontaneous, fiery, mischievous little one inside of you.

PS. One way to embrace that playful, spontaneous, fiery, mischievous little one inside of you is by amping up your passion. And the two people who can help you do that better than anyone else I can think of are Janet and Chris Attwood. Write now they’ve got some GREAT free content up for grabs as part of their Passionate Life Secrets program. You can check out the program and access the free content here:
==> Passionate Life Secrets.

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Serious Spiritual People Suck!

cistine-chapel-2All right. I admit it. That title is a bit harsh. But I guess I’m qualified to write it, since the person I’m mostly talking about is myself! You see I spent a significant portion of my life being a serious spiritual person. And most of the time, when I was serious, I sucked!

And yesterday I caught myself falling right back into that sucky, serious, spiritual space and I didn’t like it! My daughter was in a great, goofy mood, and I just couldn’t meet her there. That, old, core belief that to be spiritual you have to be serious had taken over the controls again and all goofiness and fun was out the window.

The problem many of us spiritual people have, is that our models of spirituality are all serious. Think about it: have you ever seen a picture of Jesus smiling? How about God? Any candid camera snapshots of the big guy in the sky cracking up?

And how about bible stories? When was the last time you had a good belly laugh while reading that good book?

Eastern religions seem to have a bit more lightness. Think of the laughing Buddha statues. I love those. And yet, when you read the story of the Buddha’s life there doesn’t seem like there was a whole lot of goofing around happening during his lifetime.

What’s up with that? Who made the rule that spirituality and fun and joy and laughter and lightness don’t mix?

I realized just how much of a core belief this is for me just now when I watched a video of Ken Wilbur talking about Big Mind or the part of us that is the observer, detached from the events in our life. As I dropped in and tried to find that Big Mind space in me, I realized that I didn’t want to find it because if I did, I believed that I would have to spend the rest of my life being serious and stoic and removed from life.

That doesn’t really provide a whole lot of motivation to go and find the Big Mind!

So I’m embarking on a “Lighten Up Francis” campaign for spiritual people – especially myself! (And if you don’t get that reference you obviously missed one of the classics of contemporary western cinema!)

Let’s bring some lightness and laughter and, yes, even silly goofiness into our spiritual development.

I mean, how’s the serious thing been working for you? If you’re like me, not so well!

There actually are some examples of light-hearted, deeply spiritual people. When I visited Agape a month or so ago, I was cracking up. Michael Beckwith was smiling and laughing and joking… And it was one of the most deeply moving and transformational experiences I have ever had at an organized religious event.

The emergence of Rumi and the light-hearted Sufi poets as spiritual models is another example.

dalai-lamaThe Dalai Lama also seems to exude a lightness in the midst of his profound presence. You often see him smiling or grinning. And sometimes it sure looks like a pretty mischievous grin, if you ask me!

And what about all of these new – and not so new – spiritual development practices that are filled with light and lightness? Transformational dance workshops, tantra, high-energy intensives (think Tony Robbins) laughter yoga, karaoke seminars (well, I haven’t seen any karaoke seminars yet, but you get the point). We’re beginning to recognize that spiritual development can actually be fun.

In fact, I’ve come to believe that the more fun you have, the more joy you experience in your life and in your spiritual development practices, the more you actually develop spiritually!

Now some might say we’ve gone too far, that the pendulum has swung to the other side and there is too much lightness and indulgence in our modern spiritual development practices.

Well how about if we all just stand up right now and moon those folks!

So the pendulum has swung. Big deal! Pendulums do that. And we sure do need a break from the super serious spiritual systems of the past.

What can you do today to bring some lightness to your spiritual practice? How about listening to an old Steve Martin recording during your meditation practice? How about playing Weird Al Yankovich songs when you teach your yoga class! Alright, maybe that would be too far!

But seriously… no, scratch that… see if you can find a way to merge fun and spiritual practice today. Let me know what you come up with. I’d love to hear about your Lighten Up Francis adventures!

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Ester Hicks channeling Abraham on The Secret

The Secret teachers have a new program for creating wealth and happiness: thesgrprogram.com The main teachers behind The Secret have launched a new program and it is based on employing the Law of Attraction to create wealth. You too can learn how to use the “Law of Attraction” to create whatever you want in life – be it money, love or happiness – and generate abundance. lawofattractiongoldmine.bravehost.com Toassist people worldwide in manifesting more money, Brian Wong created the “Law of Attraction Riches” Free Strategy Report. This report teaches how to apply the Law of Attraction to money and how you can take action to make a fortune with the Official Teachers from The Secret. Get Your Free Report Here lawofattractiongoldmine.bravehost.com This free strategy report includes: — 7 Free Lessons on the “Law of Attraction” from the Teachers featured in The Secret. — Tons of FREE Passive Income Information, Tips and Resources — 2 Bonus E-books: 1. The “Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles 2. The “Master Key System” by Charles F. Haanel Visit lawofattractiongoldmine.bravehost.com now for all the GREAT details. Now you can manifest using laws of attraction from the secret movie. The law of attraction for attracting health on the secret dvd, so what is the key to living the law of attraction. The teachings of abraham are so amazing in the opus movie will show you how to use the law of attraction to create more wealth. When learning how to apply the law of
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The Secret – The History Clips

StudyTheSecret.com Clips from “The Secret” which focuses on the “History” of the greatest people. 1909, 1914, 1929, 1933. http A gift from the makers of The Secret. The Secret University enables you to Learn the Law of Attraction from the teachers featured in The Secret. law of attraction science of getting rich the secret mike dooley abraham hicks rhonda byrne bob proctor wallace wattles wallace d wattles jack canfield rev dr michael beckwith
the secret book

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Law of Attraction: Fun First, Finances Will Follow

One of the things I’ve been hearing from a lot of people lately is, “I’ll be happy when ______ (blank);” specifically, around finances. I hear, “I’ll be happy when…I make more money,” “I’ll happy when…I get this job,” or some variation.

Waiting for happiness reminds me of a carrot on a stick. It’s going to be at arms length…something that’s forever just out of your reach. You will never truly be able to enjoy “happiness” if you’re waiting on some type of event to happen. Because happiness is not an event, happiness is a choice. Happiness is something that you can choose to do at any given time.

On a side note: happiness is what will actually attract the thing you desire…how ironic!

I was talking with a young lady a few days ago about how sometimes people punish themselves by not participating in things they enjoy when they find themselves in a financial bind. This is one the worse things you can do when you’re felling down about anything. This is the tie when you need the most joy in your life. Now, I’m suggesting that you go out and spend, spend, spend, but find the things that you can do that are free that bring you joy.

The reason why this is so important is that you will attract what you are emotionally putting out (vibrating). So, let’s look at this scenario:

You’re in a in a financial bind which causes stress, frustration and anxiety. So, what happens as a result? You attract more stress, frustration, and anxiety. Then, on top of that, you neglect yourself by removing fun, and excitement, and joy from your life; causing more stress, frustration and anxiety…even potentially leading to depression.

Practical Application
So, I want to share the same advice I gave the young lady, “Fun first…finance will follow.”

Truly allow yourself the opportunity to create fun and happiness – NOW – and you will see that the finances will follow the fun.

Click here for fun ways to manifest more money

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Law of Attraction: If Your Life Stinks, It’s Your Fault.


If your life stinks, it’s your fault.

And the good news about that is that if it’s your fault, you can do something about it.

As long as you’re blaming your misery, frustrations, etc on your ex-wife, your ex-husband, Obama or whatever scapegoat of your choosing…you’ll remain helpless and be able to do nothing to make your life better.

Think about that for a moment.

Is there anything you’re blaming your situation on?

If so, stop and take responsibility for your life…

Because the more responsibility you take, the more control you have over your live and the better your life can be.

The key is to do this without judgment. Recognizing that your vibrational level has attracted the things that have shown up in your life… These things have shown up to teach you the lessons you needed to get you where you are now.

So, changing what you’re vibrating will attract different things.

Practical Application

Take an inventory of the things you may be blaming your situation on….STOP.

Recognize that you are the creator of your life and CHOOSE to create something differently.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Living The Law of Attraction And Using EFT!

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Living The Law Of Attraction Tips

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Sometimes it’s GOOD When the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work

It was all set. Chris Cade, the Abundant Mystic faculty member, and I were going to meet at Café Gratitude in Berkeley for lunch. Chris was in town, from Oregon, to visit his family and we were going to connect in person for the first time.

If you’re like me you know how fun and exciting it is to meet a “virtual” friend for the first time in “real life!” So I was looking forward to this connection.

But Friday afternoon, I had another car-related complication (what is it with me and cars?) that meant I had to cancel our meeting.

I was disappointed and frustrated. I felt like I was letting Chris down, and, for a moment, I caught myself feeling let down by the Universe. Have you ever felt that existential frustration when things don’t work out the way you “want” them to?

It can be very easy to go into blame in those moments: To seek out a reason why things aren’t working out. It’s at those times when we may wonder “Why isn’t the Law of Attraction working?

But it’s also at those moments that we have the opportunity to drop even deeper into trust and faith, to let go of our need to direct the outcome and learn to really “go with the flow.”

After a short moment or two, I came to my senses and remembered the truth that everything works out in its own perfect timing and manner. For whatever reason, this was not the time for me to meet Chris. I didn’t know why. And, in that moment I was perfectly fine accepting that I might not ever know why.

Sometimes you just have to let go of knowing.

And other times the reason becomes very clear!

The following Monday morning I dealt with my car issue and was back home by around 12:30 looking forward to my “free” afternoon. Ella was in aftercare for an extra day so that I could meet with Chris. So I had an open afternoon and was planning to get some work done and then go for a short hike before picking up Ella.

But at 12:45, literally 5-minutes after I sat down at my desk, I received a call from Ella’s school. She had fallen and hurt herself badly enough that I needed to go pick her up. So I turned right back around and went over to get her. FYI: She’s fine, just a bad bump.

Now you probably already see where this is going. But it took me until Wednesday morning to make the connection.

What if I had been down in Berkeley to meet with Chris?

Ella’s mom was not available to pick her up. And I would have been over an hour away. Now, fortunately, it was not a major “owie” and Ella would have been fine. But even so, I’m very thankful that I was able to get over to the school within 5-minutes of getting that phone call.

And once I made the connection between those two events, it was a powerful reminder of how the Universe often orchestrates events for our benefit – even though it may not always feel like it in the moment!

We can’t always see or know the “why” of things. We can’t always understand why something that we really want is not coming to us in the timeframe we would like.

Stuck in traffic? Maybe the Universe is keeping you from some greater misfortune up ahead.

Not as much money flowing into your life as you’d like? Perhaps you’re being given the opportunity to do some inner work to open the flow to even more!

Does the Law of Attraction always “work?” Do we always get what we “want?”

I don’t have an answer to that. And unlike some Law of Attraction teachers, I don’t believe that the Law of Attraction “works” 100% of the time. Unless you consider that it “works” at levels that are both way above and way below our conscious awareness.

For instance, is it possible that my higher consciousness “knew” that Ella was going to need me to pick her up on Monday? And if so, did I co-create the situation with my car so that I would be available to pick her up?

It’s certainly possible. After all, we are all energy and we are all interconnected. An awareness of everything that is happening, has happened and is going to happen is available to us in every moment.

So the next time you don’t get something you want, when you want it, take a step back and explore how you are benefiting from not getting it. Because there is always a benefit and a blessing in every situation! There truly is a sliver lining to every cloud. Your job is to find it!

To YOUR True Abundance


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The 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction

www.GoGoChange.com Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey believe that the universe is governed by a set of universal laws, namely Law of Thinking, Law of Supply, Law of Attraction, Law of Receiving, Law of Increase, Law of Compensation, Law of Non-Resistance, Law of Forgiveness, Law of Sacrifice, Law of Obedience and Law of Success. However, one of the most talked about is the Secret Law of Attraction. Laws of Attraction state that we are continually attracting things into our life that are consistent with the energy we are putting into the world. The Laws help you understand and cope with confusing and changing times! As far as the Laws are concerned, one should never let failures distract them, as there is no such thing as “failures”. It is fair that when we practice the Laws, we expect miracles to happen. We actually do not need to do so as “miracles” happen regardless, because it is what we dream, what we get. When we want to amplify the power of attraction, we just need to vibrate our thought frequency at a higher level. It is said that the higher frequency we are generating, the more positive experience we will have in life. When I tell you that humans’ body radiates energy, I hope you find the statement normal. There are molecules in our bodies and when they vibrate, energy is released. Our emotions dictate the vibrating level of our energy. You must keep in mind that you have learned a great deal. You have every right to become a positive thinker and you are ready to
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The 5-Keys to Manifesting TRUE Abundance in YOUR Life

True Abundance is your birthright. It is who you REALLY are!

On some level, you know it. You “get” that abundance is your natural state and that it’s supposed to come easily and effortlessly.

But this world – this “real” world” – that we live in is not (yet) set up to nurture that abundance. So most of us find ourselves living lives that are slightly (to very) out of alignment with true abundance.

In order to re-connect with that true abundance – our natural state – we must “reverse engineer” it. We must look at True Abundance and say, “Ok, that’s where I want to be, and this is where I am. Now how do I get from here to there?”

5-keysThere are 5-Keys that open the doorway to TRUE Abundance. The 5-Keys are:


These 5-Keys are not complicated or difficult. In fact, each one, on its own, is quite simple.

The complexity comes when you try activating all 5 of them at the same time. It’s not that it gets so much harder… it just gets a bit more complicated trying to keep track of all of them – like a juggler who keeps adding in more balls… the pattern stays the same but the concentration needed to keep them all in the air increases.

When you listen to this series of short audio recordings, you’ll have everything you need to create your own Abundance Quest!Go get these recordings now so that you can start activating these 5-Keys in your life and manifesting a lot more of what you want!These 5-Keys will open the doorway to YOUR True Abundance… as long as you do activate them in your life!

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The Law Of Attraction back on track!

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

You Attract Who You Are

Have you ever asked yourself why you hang out with the people you do?

Many people continue to hang around the same people day after day, week after week, and year after year…by default. They never stop and take an “inventory” of the people around them. Things like: whether the people around them are “positive” and adding to their lives or detracting from their lives.

This is a critical part of growth. My dad taught me, “if you want to keep getting what you’re getting, keep doing what you’re doing.” This goes for your friends as well. In his book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” Robert Kiyosaki says, “…your income is usually the average the 5 closest people to you…” I think this goes for EVERY aspect of your life.

Why You Have the Friends That You Do

The Law of Attraction is the reason that you continually attract the same people into your life. Contrary to what you might believe, the people that you have met up until now were not introduced to you by chance. You have been attracting them to you for one reason or another.

If you have continually been making friends with successful, happy, beautiful people, then it’s because that’s what you’ve been putting out. If the people around you are struggling and living miserable lives, it’s because you’re vibrating on that level and those people tend to migrate towards you.

We’ve all heard the axiom, “Misery loves company” but I think this is a one-sided illustration of the more appropriate phrase “Birds of a feather flock together” – The reason why I think this is because “success loves company just as well.” That’s why successful people attract other successful people.

Attract the Right Friends

In order to bring the people into your life that you want surrounding you, you will have to be proactive. There are two main things you want to do:

First, you’ll need to change who you are to change who you attract. Secondly, you may want to go actively seek out the people you want to attract.

Attracting a “New Crowd”
As I mentioned success loans company just as he does… but don’t allow this to discourage you in thinking that have to become successful before you will start attracting successful people. One thing you want to do is to start thinking more successfully and speaking about success. This will start shifting your vibrations to a higher level and start attracting a higher caliber of person.

You cannot sit idly by and wait for the perfect group of friends to fall in your lap. Here is something that you can try in order to start attracting the right people into your life.

Proactively Attracting The Right People
Imagine what your perfect group of friends would be like. Imagine the kinds of things that they like and do. Imagine hanging out with these friends and having a great time.

Once you have identified some common traits of these friends, write them down.
Review your list and make sure that you have included all of the individual traits that a good friend would have.

Spend some time looking over your list everyday. Rewrite these traits on regular basis and think about your perfect friends.

Getting Results
Before long, you will notice that the people that you are introduced to share some of these traits that you have been writing down. Finding the absolute perfect friend might be difficult at first. However, you will slowly start to meet new people that share the same ideals and traits as you do.

You need to make a habit of thinking about the people that you would like to associate with. If you continually think about the bad things that are present in your life, you will continue to attract more of the same type of people into your life.

This does not mean that you have to completely forget about your negative friends that you currently associate with. Just start focusing on the life you want and the people to support it will show up.

Practical Application
Identify the 5 closest people to you (not just friends and familiy, but the people you spend the most time with)
Ask, “Are these people adding to my life or taking away from it?”
If you feel it’s necessary, take action by spending more time with those you feel are adding to your life and less with those who aren’t
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The Secret-Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor talk about The Law of Attraction. We Become What We Think About sharingsecret.thesgrprogram.com
the secret book

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