Monday, May 24, 2010

Watch Your Internal Mental Chatter

Wise words from Lilian Too:

We have all heard and read about the power of the subconscious it affects not only our physical body but our emotions, our responses and attitudes and of course, our thoughts. Hundreds of examples exist today that demonstrate this...and we know that the subconscious mind has, once we convince it, the power to manifest into reality exactly what we want or what we want to become.

The subconscious mind can set into motion the required energy pattern and in fact can activate all types of energy if you are after health and healing or on a completely different path looking for success, wealth and prosperity, it makes no difference - the subconscious mind has the power to activate the energy pattern you require.

But here's the thing - the key to tapping into this tremendous power lies in the messages we send the subconscious we must be sure to learn and use the correct language and be aware of how we are communicating internally. Most people do not consciously think about or even attempt this. Rather they just let the mind wander and carry on with incessant internal chatter about everything and anything that might be happening in their lives at the moment...and most idle mind chatter is unfocused and quite often very destructive.

Due to past programming, the messages that come from our subconscious minds are more often negative than positive which can result in feelings of insecurity, inferiority, and guilt...unless we make a concerted effort to counteract these feelings.

The good news is that we can change things...we can change the way that we feel simply by changing the way that we think.

The first step is recognizing who is at fault and acknowledging that it is really we ourselves who cause feelings of anger, fear, inadequacy and guilt. We can actually reprogram ourselves and change our view and perspective to one of a positive rather than negative nature.

The words and the sentences we choose to use, even casually, will enter and take form in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind takes everything we say literally and does not differentiate between positive and negative thought. It is vital that we use words that relate positively to our sense of self-esteem and self-worth, as this is what our subconscious mind understands.

We must listen and become aware of our own internal communication with our subconscious. Don't be your own worst enemy...make sure that the words you use work for you and not against you! Here are some examples:

"I can't do it" "I'm too old for this" " It's impossible"! "I'm a born loser!"
"Why does it always happen to me!"
"No matter what I say or do, it's wrong!" and so on!

Anything sound familiar? These are things we say when we are annoyed, upset or frustrated...and even if it's just a casual remark and we don't really mean it, our mind is picking it does not make any exceptions and it doesn't ever sleep!

So now that you understand how the mind works and the energy that gets created it's up to you to change your internal dialog and put an end to negative mental chatter. If you begin today to make a conscious effort to catch yourself in negative talk and make it a habit to use positive statements you will see an immediate difference in your outlook and results! I promise you this really works - try it this week and let me know how you do.

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