Friday, November 23, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!...from Rhonda Byrne

The Secret Team and I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you to all of The Secret fans across the globe, because your gratitude uplifts the world.

Gratitude is not bound by time and space, it’s dimensionless.  When you’re grateful that energy radiates both near and far simultaneously, which means your individual gratitude reaches the entire planet and beyond.

Let’s join forces and radiate gratitude to every circumstance and event that crosses our path today, and to everyone we meet.  And then let’s set an intention that we will carry even more gratitude with us going forward into every day!

Gratitude is your power to change anything, through the simple act of being thankful!

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret…. bringing joy and gratitude to billions.