Wednesday, July 19, 2017

How I Can Ignore the Negative People/Situations Around Me

Pinelopi: I would like to ask Rhonda how I can ignore the negative people/situations around me and focus on love & appreciation at the same time.

Answer by Rhonda Byrne
The way to deal with negative people or situations in your life is not to judge them. Have no judgment about negativity versus positivity. Neither is actually good n or bad. They’re both equal, but just different choices.

If you have the freedom to be positive, then you must allow others the freedom to be negative. No one can force you to be negative, just as you cannot force another to be positive.  You are free to choose what you want for you – and you choose positivity.  And it’s great that you choose positivity because your life will be much easier and filled with great things because of that choice.

It’s not your job to change other people. Your only job is you, and that is such a relief!  Let the others be as they are, and you be the shining example of love, appreciation, and positivity, and through that you will uplift others.

In the early stages, before you’ve stabilized yourself in a more positive, feeling-good frequency, other people and their negativity can seem to take you down.  In these cases, often the easiest thing to do is remove yourself as gracefully as you can from the situation. Do it as often as you need to. Remember – your job is you .

The better you feel, the less anyone else can affect you. Ultimately - when you’re feeling really good - no one else will affect you.  The better you feel the less problems you see.  The better you feel the less you will encounter anything negative. So, the ultimate task ahead is to feel good, and remember this: feeling good is your natural state of being.  
You don’t have to work yourself into a frenzy to get there - all you have to do is not pay attention to the negative stuff. Don’t give any attention to negative thoughts; they don’t belong to you.  Don’t give your attention to negative feelings; they’re just sensations, and if you let them be, they will pass through you quickly. And don’t judge anyone or anything. In other words, don’t have an opinion about others.