Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Secret Story of The Week by Nick of Brighton, UK.

Firstly I want to show my eternal gratitude to the whole team at The Secret for the magical things you have given me.

My story starts back in 2004 when we were living in rented accommodations with two kids, paying a hefty amount in rent each month with no prospects of ever owning our own home. We both worked full time jobs. With child care costs and daily living expenses, we never seemed to have money left at the end of each month to put away, let alone go on holiday or try and put a deposit together. It didn't seem to matter how good my sales month had been, we were just treading water. All of this started to put a strain on our relationship as my wife saw friends get their first house or upgrade to a larger one. All while we just kept paying the landlord.

In 2007 my wife came back from the supermarket and she gave me a copy of this book called The Secret that she'd purchased. I had a brief look and then put it on the side and continued with my normal daily life. A few days later however, my wife said to me you've got to read this, I think it's what we need. So reluctantly I picked it up and started to read.

As I began to read, and I mean really read the book, and take in it's true meaning, I started to understand how this knowledge to could turn our lives around.

We started there and then to live by The Secret and use The Secret principles. We developed a vision board and put all the pictures of the things we desired on it. I printed The Secret Cheque and stuck it to my bedroom ceiling where I would be able to see it as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning and before I went to bed each night.
Over the next few months we were able to start saving money for a deposit. We started to de-clutter our rented house in preparation for the house move we knew would happen. We opened ourselves up to all possibilities, and then it happened!

In September 2008 we purchased and moved into our first own home together and by then there were three children. So no more paying landlords and finally something to show for all our hard work.

However, in those next few weeks after moving in and being so happy, we made a big mistake. We stopped practising The Secret. We thought we were done, we thought we'd cracked the code. Don't get me wrong, we were very grateful for what we had but we just went back to our old way of living and things just bumbled on for the next few years.

By the beginning of 2011 we were bursting to the seams in the house. The children were growing bigger by the day and needing more space. We had added a dog to the family and it's fair to say I was carrying a fair amount of debt. Something had to give. And then it did.

Mid way through 2011 I found myself out of work and with only my wife's salary coming in, things were not so good. We had the ever increasing demands of the children, payments to credit cards, store cards, leased car, mortgage, etc., that we were heading down a fast road to losing the house.

What was happening to us? How had we gone from having this great house, jobs and other material things, to being in this situation? And then I remembered The Secret and so I started to practice again daily. I started to live by The Secret again, to turn our lives around and I managed to find myself a new job which I started in February 2012.

So things settled down and we managed to get the mortgage back on track and pay the other monthly bills. All was OK. This time though I kept practising The Secret. I purchased The Secret movie, I printed more cheques, I said daily affirmations, I wrote down daily what I was grateful for and so on and I just knew there was something bigger around the corner for us.

In December 2012 I was diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma and had a tumour on my neck which was Stage 3 Cancer. However, did I let this get to me? No. I did not. I just kept on practising The Secret as I knew and truly believed all would be well. I knew there was something bigger around the corner.

It was at this point that my wife pointed out we may be able to claim on our life insurance policy for my diagnosis under the critical illness cover. So we applied and supplied them with all the information required.

Five weeks later I was paid £250,000.00. This was the exact amount I had written on my first ever Secret Cheque back in 2007! Wow!

The money enabled us to pay off all our debts including our outstanding mortgage, go on a couple of holidays, give some away and have some savings.

Fast forward to now. We have since moved to a much larger house, have a very happy and healthy relationship, three beautiful children and still the smelly dog. At this point I would like to again say thank you to all at The Secret, as without this book having come into my life, I am not sure where I would have been.

My next goal/vision is to bring The Secret and it's principles to as many people as possible and I am currently working on ways to do that. Keep positive, be gracious in all that you do and keep the faith.

Thank You.

The Secret. . . bringing joy to billions

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

How I Can Ignore the Negative People/Situations Around Me

Pinelopi: I would like to ask Rhonda how I can ignore the negative people/situations around me and focus on love & appreciation at the same time.

Answer by Rhonda Byrne
The way to deal with negative people or situations in your life is not to judge them. Have no judgment about negativity versus positivity. Neither is actually good n or bad. They’re both equal, but just different choices.

If you have the freedom to be positive, then you must allow others the freedom to be negative. No one can force you to be negative, just as you cannot force another to be positive.  You are free to choose what you want for you – and you choose positivity.  And it’s great that you choose positivity because your life will be much easier and filled with great things because of that choice.

It’s not your job to change other people. Your only job is you, and that is such a relief!  Let the others be as they are, and you be the shining example of love, appreciation, and positivity, and through that you will uplift others.

In the early stages, before you’ve stabilized yourself in a more positive, feeling-good frequency, other people and their negativity can seem to take you down.  In these cases, often the easiest thing to do is remove yourself as gracefully as you can from the situation. Do it as often as you need to. Remember – your job is you .

The better you feel, the less anyone else can affect you. Ultimately - when you’re feeling really good - no one else will affect you.  The better you feel the less problems you see.  The better you feel the less you will encounter anything negative. So, the ultimate task ahead is to feel good, and remember this: feeling good is your natural state of being.  
You don’t have to work yourself into a frenzy to get there - all you have to do is not pay attention to the negative stuff. Don’t give any attention to negative thoughts; they don’t belong to you.  Don’t give your attention to negative feelings; they’re just sensations, and if you let them be, they will pass through you quickly. And don’t judge anyone or anything. In other words, don’t have an opinion about others.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Perception Management for Very Advanced Souls

Perception Management for Very Advanced Souls (a.k.a. Yourself 
The next time someone upsets you, think, "Thanks for pointing out that I've begun depending on you. Time I lose the expectations." 
And the next time someone doesn't take your view into account, think, "That's okay, I was once like that." 
And if someone steals from you, think, "It was nothing, my supply is the Universe." 
Or lies to you, think, "I'm sorry you feel that need." 
Violates you, "All for my growth and glory." 
Is rude to you, "Cheer up, dear soul, it'll be okay." 
Judges you, "Thanks for sharing your truth." 
Drives by you like a bat out of hell, "Be careful, my friend. I love you." 
And the next time someone greets you with a smile, smile back, like you're sharing a secret.

- A Note from the Universe....

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Go With Your Gut

The Secret Story of The Week
I can not thank enough you enough! Thanks to The Secret, Rhonda and everyone that shares their stories here. I've been exposed to The Secret for quite a few years now but it wasn't until recently that I started to practice it.

Earlier this year, I quit my nagging sales job. I then entered the world of IT/Technology with no prior knowledge. I took a leap of faith and thought that this is what I am supposed to do. I took an accelerated course. It took a lot of money and time and I was living off my savings. I finished my course and could not find a job for the life of me!

Every day was so stressful. I was running into rejections and people kept telling me I don't have enough experience. There was absolutely no hope. I was very stressed and disappointed in the decision I had made.

Finally an old colleague of mine suggested that I apply in her company for a role that I already had 3 years of experience in, with no use of my new skills. I was desperate and went for the interview. I got an offer but at an entry level salary. I was disappointed and felt I had just a wasted my time and a good chunk of my savings as nothing in IT was working.

It was decision time and the company gave me one day to make a decision. I was poor and stressed and decided that, what the heck, I will take it. At least I would have a job, even though it was a million steps back, career wise.

The morning I was going to tell them, I woke up and watched The Secret. I read The Secret stories here and prayed really hard to the Universe to please send the right job my way. I mean literally, how was I going to get a job offer in a couple of hours when I am supposed to accept this offer of this low paying job? I just thanked the Universe for all the opportunities and all of the unsuccessful interviews I went to. Then I let it go. The HR called me and asked me to make a decision. Something inside of me told me to wait until the end of the business day.

Literally two minutes later, an old recruiter called me and said he had a perfect opportunity for me. The client wants to move quickly and there was no one else in line for the job, so I would basically get the job. I would have to go meet the company ASAP and pretty much it was a done deal.

And OMG, everything felt right! The interview went well, it just felt right, can't describe it!! I took the offer that minute and called the low paying job and kindly thanked them and declined the offer. It was a miracle, this job literally fell in my lap! I know it was the Universe!
Prior to all of this happening, I had been journaling and thanking for every person and experience that came my way! Gratitude is everything!

Please be patient, be thankful and let the Universe do it's thing. I want everyone to have staunch faith in the Universe because it truly loves you and watches out for you. Journal, be thankful, have faith and let go! Let go of how it will happen and instead just believe that it will.

My love and blessings to you and many thanks to everyone that writes in here. You are an inspiration to someone who is trying to manifest. I can't wait to manifest more blessings in my life. I am thankful for you reading my story. I hope I can strengthen your faith.

Love you Universe, thank you for everything.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

You cannot bring what you want to you if you are feeling stress

The Secret Scrolls
"You cannot bring what you want to you if you are feeling stress. Stress or any tension at all is something you have to remove from your system. 

You must let the stress go – it is the only way you can bring what you want. The emotion of stress is saying strongly that you do NOT have what you want. Stress or tension is the absence of faith, and so to remove it all you have to do is increase your faith!"